Ursinne je sprva bil le  death metal dvojec z vokalistom  Daveom Ingramom (Echelon, ex-Bolt Thrower, ex-Benediction, ex- Hail Of Bullets) in multiinstrumentalistom  Jonnyjem Petterssonom (Wombbath, Henry Kane), vendar se jima je kasneje pridružila  še basistka Sonia Nusselder (Sepiroth) in skupaj so posneli prvenec z naslovom Swim With the Leviathan.

Skladbe albuma so naslednje:

1. Devil May Care
2. I, Serpentine
3. Bullet Bitten (Written for, and dedicated to, the legendary Lemmy Kilmister)
4. The Chimes of Midnight
5. Crazy Horses (The osmonds priredba ft. Count MoriVond – Danse dE Sade)
6. Talons
7. Underworld
8. Turning Japanese (The Vapors priredba ft. Jonny Pettersson na vokalu)
9. Hollow Hearse
10. Something Wicked This Way Comes
11. Monsters in the Parasol (bonus ft. Kam Lee – QOTSA priredba)
12. Spellbound (bonus – Siouxsie and the Banshees priredba)