Redemption so na nemski strani Rock Hard premijerno objavili skladbo “Thirty Silver” s prihajajočega albuma The Art Of Loss, ki 26. februarja izide pri Metal Blade Records.

“The Art Of Loss”-Tracklist:
1. The Art of Loss (feat. Simone Mularoni und Chris Poland)
2. Slouching Towards Bethlehem (feat. Simone Mularoni und Chris Poland)
3. Damaged (feat. Marty Friedman)
4. Hope Dies Last (feat. Chris Poland)
5. That Golden Light
6. Thirty Silver (feat. Chris Poland, Marty Friedman, und Chris Broderick)
7. The Center of the Fire (feat. Chris Poland)
8. Love Reign o’er Me (THE WHO-Cover; feat. John Bush in Chris Poland)
9. At Day’s End (feat. Chris Poland in Simone Mularoni)