Redemption – projekt/bend, ki ga  sestavljajo  Nick van Dyk, Sean Andrews,  Chris Quirarte ter  Tom Englund (Evergrey, ki je zamenjal Raya Alderja (Fates Warning, Engine)), so posneli album z naslovom  Long Night’s Journey into Day. Album, ki ga je produciral Jacob Hansen izide 27. julija pri  založbi Metal  Blade Records. Gosta na albumu  sta bila kitarista Chris Poland (ex-Megadeth) ter Simone Mularoni (DGM).

Skladbe albuma Long Night’s Journey Into Day so naslednje :

1. Eyes You Dare Not Meet in Dreams
2. Someone Else’s Problem
3. The Echo Chamber
4. Impermanent
5. Indulge in Color
6. Little Men
7. And Yet
8. The Last of Me
9. New Year’s Day
10. Long Night’s Journey Into Day