Mercyful Fate afini THEM predstavljajo besedilni spot za komad Dead Of Night, ki se nahaja na debi albumu Sweet Hollow in izide 30. septembra (Empire Records).
Zasedbo Them sestavljajo Mike LePond (Symphony X) na basu, Kevin Talley (Suffocation) na bobnih , Markus Ulrich (Lanfear, Septagon), Markus Johansson (Sylencer) na kitari, Richie Seibel (Lanfear) na klaviaturah Richie Seibel (Lanfear), na vokalih pa “KK Fossor” Troy Norr iz zasedbe Coldsteel.
Sweet Hallow traklista je naslednja: Rebirth, Forever Burns, Down The Road To Misery, Ghost In The Graveyard, The Quiet Room, Dead Of Night, FestEvil, The Crimson Corpse, Blood From Blood, The Harrowing Path To Hollow, Salve ter When The Clock Struck Twelve.