
Kultni ameriški trio  Midnight (Cleveland, ZDA), ki je nastal leta 2003 bo preko Hells Headbangers  izdal zbriko komadov izdanih na EP-jih ter  na prispevkih za split LP-je pod naslovom  Shox of Violence (od Satanic Royalty do Complete and Total Hell).

Skladbe na albumu Shox of Violence, ki jo lahko  v celoti slišite na Bandcampu, so naslednje:

1. Death Scream2. Who Gives A Fuck, 3. Ready For Destruction, 4. Groin Gripper, 5. Sadist Sodomystic Seducer, 6. In League With Satan (Venom), 7. Too Loud For the Crowd (Venom), 8. The Witch, 9. Breakout (Taipan), 10. Hells Fire (Mistreater), 11. TAP, 12. When I Die (Pagans), 13. Unholy and Rotten (live), 14. …On the Wings of Satan (live), 15. Slick Black Cadillac (Quiet Riot), 16. Nuclear Bomb (The Spits), 17. Black Kar (The Spits), 18. Rat Face (The Spits), 19. Shitty World (The Spits), 20. Death Sentence (Crucifixion), 21. Wicked Women (Scarab), 22. Eyes of Satan (Pagans), 23. Watch Your Step (Girlschool), 24. Vomit Queens in 25. Cross Held High