Lords Of Black

LORDS OF BLACK, zasedba okrog trenutnega vokalista “projekta”   Ritchie Blackmore’s RAINBOW Ronnie Romero je predstavila spot za komad  ‘Everything You’re Not’: Komad se nahaja na aktualnem albumu   “II”, ki izide dne  18. marca  via Frontiers Music. (traklist spodaj)

1. Malevolently Beautiful (Intro)
2. Merciless
3. Only One Life Away
4. Everything You’re Not
5. New World’s Comin’
6. Cry No More
7. Tears I Will Be
8. Insane
9. Live By The Lie
10. Die By The Truth
11. Ghost Of You
12. The Art Of Illusions Part III: The Wasteland
13. Shadows Of War
14. Lady Of The Lake (RAINBOW-Cover, Bonustrack CD-Edition)
15. Innuendo (QUEEN-Cover, Bonustrack Digital-Edition)