Nemci Lord of the Lost predstavljajo videospot za skladbo Priest, ki se bo nahajala na njihovem prihajajočem albumu z naslovom Judas.


Ta bo  izšel 2. julija preko založbe Napalm Records z naslednjimi komadi:

CD1: Damnation

1. Priest
2. For They Know Not What They Do
3. Your Star Has Led You Astray
4. Born With A Broken Heart
5. The 13th
6. In The Field Of Blood
7. 2000 Years A Pyre
8. Death Is Just A Kiss Away
9. The Heart Is A Traitor
10. Euphoria
11. Be Still And Know
12. The Death Of All Colours

CD2: Salvation

1. The Gospel Of Judas
2. Viva Vendetta
3. Argent
4. The Heartbeat Of The Devil
5. And It Was Night
6. My Constellation
7. The Ashes Of Flowers
8. Iskarioth
9. A War Within
10. A World Where We Belong
11. Apokatastasis
12. Work Of Salvation