Autopsy je naslov prvega izdelka legendarnih Coroner po več kot 23. letih. Na tem trojnem dvd/cdju (Century Media) vam švicarski trio ponuja skoraj šest ur materiala. CORONER 2016 sestavljajo: Ron Broder na basu in vokalih, Tommy Vetterli na kitari in Diego Rapacchietti na bobnih.
DVD / Blu-ray 1: “Rewind” (Documentary / 110 minutes)
DVD / Blu-ray 2: “Reunion” (Live Footage 2011-2014 / 123 minutes)
1. Intro
2. Golden Camera Sleeper, Pt. 1
3. Masked Jackal
4. Serpent Moves
5. Internal Conflicts
6. Son Of Lilith
7. D.O.A.
8. Status: Still Thinking
9. Metamorphosis
10. The Lethargic Age
11. The Invincible
12. Semtex Revolution
13. Gliding Above While Being Below
14. Divine Step
15. Der Mussolini
16. Grin
17. Reborn Through Hate
DVD / Blu-ray 3: “Archives” (Live, Promo Videos, Rehearsal / 82 minutes)
1. Live In East Berlin 1990
2. Masked Jackal (Music Video)
3. I Want You (She’s so Heavy) (Music Video)
4. Last Entertainment (Music Video)