killingjoke2015band_638KILLING JOKE bodo 23tega oktobra izdali nov  “Pylon”  via Spinefarm Records. Komadu  “Euphoria” iz albuma  “Pylon” klahko prisluhnete spodaj. Skupino sestavlja izvirni line up:  Jaz Coleman, Geordie, Youth, in Big Paul. Album “Pylon” se je snemal v angliji in v Pragi,   z bendom in  Tom Dalgetyjem za mešalko.


About the album title, Youth said, “It’s simple… Stark brutal industrial suicide… This is the third in a triptych of albums, ‘Absolute Dissent’, ‘MMXII’ and now ‘Pylon’… heavy and uncompromising, bleak dystopian lyrics, as well as some visionary celebration… lots of black pain emotion. To be honest, we remain genre blind so our music will always cover a vast spectrum of influences, from disco right through to heavy metal and beyond.”