JUDAS PRIEST bodo 25. marca preko Epic Records svoj Live-CD/-DVD/-Blu-ray “Battle Cry”. Koncert so snemali 1. augusta lani na Wacken Open Air festivalu. DVD/Blu-ray vsebuje tri bonustrake posnete dne 10. dezembra v The Ergo Arena na poljskem.
“Battle Cry”-CD-Tracklist:
01. (Intro) Battle Cry
02. Dragonaut
03. Metal Gods
04. Devil’s Child
05. Victim Of Changes
06. Halls Of Valhalla
07. Redeemer Of Souls
08. Beyond The Realms Of Death
09. Jawbreaker
10. Breaking The Law
11. Hell Bent For Leather
12. The Hellion
13. Electric Eye
14. You’ve Got Another Thing Coming
15. Painkiller
“Battle Cry”-DVD-/Blu-ray-traklist:
01. (Intro) Battle Cry
02. Dragonaut
03. Metal Gods
04. Devil’s Child
05. Victim Of Changes
06. Halls Of Valhalla
07. Turbo Lover
08. Redeemer Of Souls
09. Beyond The Realms of Death
10. Jawbreaker
11. Breaking the Law
12. Hell Bent For Leather
13. The Hellion
14. Electric Eye
15. You’ve Got Another Thing Coming
16. Painkiller
17. Living After Midnight
18. Screaming For Vengeance
19. The Rage
20. Desert Plains