Jamey Jasta (Hatebreed, Kingdom Of Sorrow) je 31. marca s svojim (solo) projektom Jasta izdal album z naslovom The Lost Chapters, ki vsebuje  naslednje skladbe: This Is Your Life, Parasitic, The Same Flame, Back To What Matters, Until We Bleed Again, Chasing Demons (feat. Howard Jones), Deadly Business, The Immortal in Buried Alive (priredba zasedbe Black Sabbath).

Na tej povezavi lahko prisluhnete prvemu singlu Chasing Demons, na katerem gostuje pevec Howard Jones (Devil You Know, ex-Killswitch Engage, ex-Blood Has Been Shed).

Videospot  za skladbo The Same Flame je posnel Jastin prijatelj  Paul McGuire (za Obscenery Films).