Forgotten Tomb (Ita), Nocturnal Depression (Fra)

Lokacija: Orto Bar, Grablovičeva 1, Ljubljana
Začetek: 21h
Cena vstopnice v predprodaji: 18 €
Cena vstopnice na dan koncerta: 22 €





Črna oktobrska noč s Forgotten Tomb in Nocturnal Depression
Če nekomu jesen lahko predstavlja melanholijo, potem lahko včasih ta oseba gre še bolj v otožnost. In temo. Ter hlad in pozabo, kamor vas bosta 22. 10. 2015 odpeljali zasedbi Forgotten Tomb in Nocturnal Depression.
Zasedbi iz Italije in Francije sta priljubljeni dozi strupa slovenske metal publike. Obe sta nas obiskali vsaj nekajkrat (nazadnje na Metaldays 2014), in obe sta hkrati mamljivi kot ossianski spevi ali pa sanje grofiča Harolda, medtem ko sta lahko tudi smrtonosni kot žalostinke Loralay ali pa hladni kot Kosovelova starka za vasjo. Zasedbi mogoče še najbolje utelešata dušo jeseni, ki po eni strani pomiri srce, po drugi strani pa zaradi prihajajočega ledu in hlada buri duha.
Obe sta mračni, obe zvenita strašljivo in grozljivo, obema je treba prisluhniti s srcem, čeprav je njuna pesem ostra kot britev.
In zato koncert 22. 10. priporočamo samo tistim, ki se teme ne bojijo oziroma, ki se ne upirajo temu, da bi včasih stali sami pred breznom niča.
Seansa se bo zgodila v Orto Baru v Ljubljani.




Forgotten TombWith 16 years of activity, 7 full-lenght albums + a double live in studio, live shows all over Europe and a worldwide underground following, FORGOTTEN TOMB definitely deserves its cult status in the current Extreme Metal scene. With now-classic albums like the milestones “Songs To Leave” (2002, Selbstmord Services) and “Springtime Depression” (2003, Adipocere Rec.), the band practically crafted and gave birth to a whole new sub-genre, now regarded as Depressive Black/Doom Metal; then it managed to evolve it, destroy it and reshape it with the highly acclaimed “Love’s Burial Ground” (2004, Adipocere Rec.) and the controversial “Negative Megalomania” (2007, Avantgarde Music), breaking every kind of musical boundaries and expanding the sound of the band, incorporating in a unique brand a wide range of influences from the Metal, Rock and Dark fields. What’s certain is that the band has always been and still is on top of the genre, as well as being one of the leading bands in the so-called “third wave” of Black Metal. With an history made of suicide-promoting lyrics and pictures, antisocial and over-the-top declarations, nihilistic attitude, self-destructive behaviours of band members and fans alike, and banned cover artworks, FORGOTTEN TOMB surely managed to keep an high profile and a bad reputation during all these years. But being born under a bad star didn’t stop FORGOTTEN TOMB from becoming one of the most respected Black Metal bands of today, thanx to its constant “do-it-yourself” attitude and coherence, which led the band to play an ever-increasing amount of memorable live-shows all over Europe, often headlining or co-headlining big Extreme Metal festivals and concerts, sometimes even without a new album to promote nor a record-deal. After celebrating it’s 10th year anniversary in 2009, releasing a double live-in-studio album titled “Vol 5: 1999/2009” (2010, Avantgarde Music) and then putting out its fifth groundbreaking studio album “Under Saturn Retrograde” (Agonia Records) in 2011, the band embarked on an impressive set of shows which led them to play nearly 30 gigs over a year, including high-profile festivals such as Hellfest (FR), Extremefest (DE/AT) and Kings Of Black Metal (DE). New album “…And Don’t Deliver Us From Evil” was released in October 2012 to critical acclaim and the band went on a 12-shows european tour with Enthroned (BEL) & Impiety (SIN) to conclude the successful year. Over 2013 the band kept promoting the new album with a 20-shows headlining european tour with Isole (SE) & Ereb Altor (SE), as well as single-shows and another european tour with Incantation (US) and Ragnarok (NO). 2014 saw the band celebrate its 15-years anniversary and release its long-awaited live-DVD “Darkness In Stereo: Eine Symphonie Des Todes”. New album “Hurt Yourself And The Ones You Love” is set for release in April 2015 through Agonia Records.



Nocturnal DepressionWith over 10 years of activity, 4 full-lenght albums, live shows all over Europe and a worldwide underground following, FORGOTTEN TOMB definitely deserves its cult status in the current extreme metal scene. With now-classic albums like the milestones “Songs To Leave” (2002) and “Springtime Depression” (2003), the band practically crafted and gave birth to a whole new sub-genre, now regarded as Depressive Black/Doom Metal; then it managed to evolve it, destroy it and reshape it with the highly acclaimed “Love’s Burial Ground” (2004) and the controversial “Negative Megalomania” (2007), breaking every kind of musical boundaries and expanding the sound of the band, incorporating into a unique brand a wide range of influences from the metal, rock and dark fields.
What’s certain is that the band has always been and still is on top of the genre, as well as being one of the leading bands in the so-called Third Wave of Black Metal.
With a history made of suicide-promoting lyrics and pictures, antisocial and over-the-top declarations, nihilistic attitude, self-destructive behaviours of band members (including self-injuries, near-death car accidents and hospitalizations) and fans alike, banned cover artworks, tons of hate-mails and death threats received, politicall incorrectness, as well as public fights with magazines, label managers and various kind of enemies, FORGOTTEN TOMB surely managed to keep a high profile and a bad reputation during all these years. Mostly due to miserable experiences with the underground labels, the band never got enough advertisement and distribution, and the first three albums have been long out of print (*currently re-released on CD and vinyl by Agonia Records) and highly sought-after by the constantly increasing legions of fans and collectors. Similar bad experiences with promoters and booking-agencies always kept the band quite underground and extremely underrated, due to the obviously restricted chances of promotion; a constant misfortune and the adverse geographical dislocation of the band (Italy surely isn’t your typical black metal country) didn’t help either. But being born under a bad star didn’t stop FORGOTTEN TOMB from becoming one of the most respected black metal bands of today, thanx to its constant “do-it-yourself” attitude and coherence, which led the band to play memorable live-shows all over Europe, often headlining or co-headlining big extreme metal festivals and concerts, even without a new album to promote nor a record-deal.
After celebrating it’s 10th year anniversary in 2009, the band released a double live in studio album entitled “Vol.5: 1999/2009” (in the summer of 2010) and embarked on various european live-shows, eventually signing a brand new contract with Agonia Records and recording the long anticipated new full-lenght album “Under Saturn Retrograde”; a title which reflects the subtle, pessimistic self-irony of the band. If you still think Italy is all mandolin, sun and pizza, it means you haven’t heard of FORGOTTEN TOMB yet… You might find out an unpleasant world made of suburban misery, nihilism and utter negativity. You might find out why the band labelled its sound as “Southern European Black Discomfort”!
In 2012 “…And Don’t Deliver Us From Evil” was released to critical acclaim, followed by a European tour with Enthroned and Impiety to conclude the successful year. In a review, Pitchfrok stated that this new album had finally “hit band’s groove”. Over 2013 the band kept promoting the release with a new headlining European tour with Isole and Ereb Altor, as well as single shows and yet another European tour with Incantation and Ragnarok. Year 2014 will see the band celebrate its fifteen years anniversary and release its long-awaited live video DVD, “Darkness in Stereo: Eine Symphonie Des Todes – Live in Germany”.
In order to reward the fans for their magnificent support, in 2014 the Italians also released a free live album, recorded during Kings Of Black Metal Festival in Germany in 2012. The audio originally comes from band’s new DVD and has been professionally mixed.
The band’s highly anticipated 7th studio opus, “Hurt Yourself and The Ones You Love”, is scheduled for release via Agonia Records, on April 17th in Europe and April 21st in North America.